In alphabetical order
David C. Andolfatto
Associate Researcher CRCAO/Associate Researcher NHDP
École Pratique des Hautes Études/Universität Heidelberg
Archaeologist. Associate Researcher CRCAO (UMR 8155, École Pratique des Hautes Études). Associate Researcher NHDP (Universität Heidelberg.
Stefano Beggiora
Director of Studies Department
Ca'Foscari University
Director of the Department of Asian and Mediterranean African Studies at Ca'Foscari University - Venice
Gilles Béguin
Honorary General Curator
Cernuschi Museum
Former honorary curator general of the patrimony, and Director of the Cernuschi Museum - France
Franck Bernède
President of the Singhini Research Center.
Singhini Research Center
Cellist and ethnomusicologist, President of the Singhini Research Center
Dr Philippe Charlier
Directorate Research Department
Quai Branly Museum
Director of the Department of Research and Teaching - Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac - France
Isabella Doniselli
Coordinator of the Scientific Committee
Istituto di Cultura per l'Oriente e per l'Occidente
Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Istituto di Cultura per l'Oriente e per l'Occidente (ICOO) - Milan/cite>
Véra Frossard
Author, director
French Explorers Society
Author, documentary producer, member and advisor to the President of the Société des Explorateurs Français and organizer of the Lumexplore Festival - France
Nathalie Gauthard
Publishing Director of Ethnography
L'Ethnographie Magazine
Ethnoscenologist, University Professor of Performing Arts, President of SOFETH, publication director of Ethnography
Antonio Guerrero
General secretary
Society for Euro-Asian Studies
Secretary General of the Société des Études Euro-Asiatiques - France
Tek Gurung
Independent researcher
Anthropologist and historian of Nepal and China . Independent researcher, Nepal
Gregory G. Maskarinec
Professor, School of Medicine
University of Hawaiʻi at Māno
Director, Office of Global and International Health, Professor, Departments of Native Hawaiian Health & Family Medicine and Community Health John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai'i
Clémence Mathieu
Director of the museum
Binche Museum
Director of the International Museum of Carnival and Mask, Doctor in Art History and Archaeology, Belgium
Laurence Mattet
Director of the museum
Barbier-Mueller Museum
Director of the Barbier-Mueller Museum and its foundation - Switzerland
Emmanuel PIERRAT
Writer and collector
Cabinet Pierrat (Paris)
Writer and collector, Cabinet Pierrat (Paris)
Marcel Otte
Emeritus Professor of Prehistory
Liege University
Professor Emeritus of Prehistory, University of Liège – Belgium
Olivier Perpoint
President of ICI
Instituto Culturale Internazionale in Venice
President of ICI - Instituto Culturale Internazionale in Venice - Italy
Diana Riboli
President of ISARS
Society for Academic Research on Shamanism
President of ISARS (International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism) - Professor of Anthropology at the University of Panteio - Greece
Christophe Roustan Delatour
Deputy Director of the Cannes Museums
Cannes Museums
Assistant Director of the Musées de Cannes - France
Anne de Sales
Director of research
Director of research at the CNRS
Anthropologist, director of research at the CNRS, member of the laboratory of ethnology and comparative sociology at the University of Paris Ouest.
Yvonne de Sike
President of the Society of Euro-Asian Studies
President of the Society of Euro-Asian Studies
Archaeologist, specialist in the anthropology of ritual and celebration. Lecturer at the National Museum of Natural History. President of the Society of Euro-Asian Studies
Marie-Line Therre
Director of the Museum
Director of the Museum of African and Asian Arts
Director of the Musée des Arts d'Afrique et d'Asie of Vichy
Gérard Toffin
Research CNRS
Research Director Emeritus CNRS
Director Emeritus of research at the CNRS, Centre d'Études Himalayennes – France
Mark Turin
Project Director
Digital Himalaya Project
Anthropologist, linguist and Director, Digital Himalaya Project
Anne Vergati
Research Director
CNRS Research Director
Anthropologist, honorary CNRS Research Director, member of the laboratory of ethnology and comparative sociology at the University of Paris Ouest. Deputy Secretary General of SEECHAC
Bernard de Watteville
Founder of Art and Culture
Founding President of Art and Culture
President and founder of Art et Culture - Switzerland