Association for the Radiation of Himalayan Cultures




Photographs from De long en large Ladakh by Jean Mansion - Édition Findakly. Copyright Lise Mansion

Affiche BurnexExhibition BURNEX

To celebrate the end of the lockdown, we decided to launch Operation "Place for Youth!"

The first exhibition will be dedicated to


who will present his work centered on masks. While the artist has no reference to Himalayan creations, we find in his work the same spirit and the same sensitivity. Drawings and ceramics on the same subject will accompany them..

He is 17 years old and has been working on this theme since he was 14 years old.

Bhoutan aujourdhuiClick to enlargeARCH/SEEA Evening

We are pleased to inform you that our next event will take place on Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 6 pm (06:00 PM Paris). Like the previous ones, it is organized in collaboration with the SEEA - Société des Etudes Euro-Asiatiques.

Elle sera consacrée à Christiane Drieux

who will talk to us about:

North Greenland
Inughuit relationships and beliefs

You will be able to participate by logging on to Zoom: hire

Meeting ID: 966 2027 5921 - Secret code: 3Bf0E2

Bhoutan aujourdhuiARCH/SEEA Evening

We are pleased to inform you that our next event will take place on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 6 pm (06:00 PM Paris). Like the previous ones, it is organized in collaboration with the SEEA - Société des Etudes Euro-Asiatiques.

It will be dedicated to Françoise Pommaret

who will present:

Bhutan today.
From theocracy to democratic constitutional monarchy.

This evening will allow, in addition to the evening of March 4 which can be consulted on our site, to approach its history which we had evoked very briefly

To participate in the Zoom meeting: hire

Meeting ID: 993 2469 8043 - Secret code: 670672


We are pleased to inform you that our next party will be held on Thursday, April 15 at 6:00 pm.

Like the previous ones, it is organized in collaboration with the SEEA - Société des Etudes Euro-Asiatiques.

It will be dedicated to Sébastien Baud

who will present and comment on his book CHAMANES written in collaboration with Corinne Sombrun.

Pour participer à la réunion Zoom : ici

Meeting ID: 937 6355 8509 - Secret code: 233057

Coma Santasusana GRITH 31 marsCycle of conferences of the GRITH

"Women Breeders in the City: An Intimate Look at Settlement in Amdo".

Par Maria Coma-Santasusana (U. Barcelone/INALCO-IFRAE, Paris)

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 9am (Montreal time) = 3pm in Paris

En ligne sur zoom :

ID de réunion : 895 0195 7806

Code secret : 776245

The speaker

Maria Coma-Santasusana is a doctoral student at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO/IFRAE) in Paris and at the University of Barcelona. Her research in Amdo (northeastern Tibet) focuses on the relationship between nomadic pastoralists, their animals and the environment.

Summary of the conference

The pastoral regions of the Tibetan plateau are the object of a modernization project on the part of the Chinese state which, for several years, has taken the form of programs of sedentarization of its nomadic pastoral populations in urban and peri-urban centers. This process of urbanization, based mainly on sedentarization but also relayed by new educational and environmental protection policies, is disrupting the relationship that nomadic pastoralists have with the living beings in their environment.

Based on a field survey conducted between 2016 and 2018 in a pastoral district of Qinghai province, this presentation chronicles the daily lives of two women herders as they move from the pastures to the district capital, offering an intimate look at sedentarization. Particular attention will be paid to the relationships that these two women have with other living beings - domestic and wild animals, plants, mushroom-caterpillars - as well as to the way in which these links are undone or strengthened during the protagonists' transition from a pastoral to an urban lifestyle.

Fondée sur une enquête de terrain menée entre 2016 et 2018 dans un district pastoral de la province du Qinghai, cette présentation est une chronique du quotidien de deux éleveuses dans leurs trajectoires des pâturages au chef-lieu du district, offrant un regard intime sur la sédentarisation. Une attention particulière sera portée sur les rapports que ces deux femmes entretiennent avec d’autres êtres vivants – animaux domestiques et sauvages, plantes, champignon-chenilles – , ainsi que sur la façon dont ces liens se défont ou se renforcent au cours du passage des protagonistes d’un mode de vie pastoral à un mode de vie urbain.

la consulattionSpecialists, masters and experts in Asia

Towards an anthropology of consultation modes

This seminar will focus on consultation as a mode of action that brings together the two terms of a relationship: on the one hand, the person who holds specialized skills, recognized as legitimate and useful, and who provides services, usually paid, in the name of these skills; on the other hand, the person who benefits from a service in a more or less direct interaction with the specialist. This dyadic relationship does not exclude the intervention of other actors who may in turn be consulted in order to contribute to the decision-making process. It will therefore be necessary to examine all of the relationships involved upstream, during and downstream of the consultation.

Tuesdays, from 3 to 5 p.m. from March 2 to June 8, 2021.

Seminar program here

More info on

BordesPublication of the great Nepalese poet Lakṣmīprasād Devkoṭā

We inform you of the publication, partially bilingual, of a rich anthology of the - major - work of the great Nepalese poet Lakṣmīprasād Devkoṭā (1909-1959). Rémi Bordes carried out the translations and the critical apparatus, co-director of the South Asia Himalayas department, head of the Nepali section and lecturer in Nepalese language and literature at INALCO.

While India had its Tagore, neighbouring Nepal had its Devkoṭā Perhaps due to its closure and lack of translators, the news never really got out. Still, it is certainly time for this significant writer to go beyond its borders and meet a wider audience. The author of a large and diverse body of work, Lakṣmīprasād Devkoṭā (1909-1959) is in his country the immediate classic of modernity, a tutelary figure. While remaining firmly rooted in Indo-Himalayan culture, his poetry, with its emotional sensitivity and rare density of expression, often tinged with spiritual resonances, is mixed with a humanist thought of universal aspiration. Finally, here are translated into French some significant pieces of the work of Devkoṭā which restore both the plurality and the coherence of his career by one of the rare French-speaking specialists of the Nepali language.

Nepal HeritageThe Nepal Heritage Documentation Project

The ARCH wishes to salute the Nepal Heritage Documentation Project (NHDP), led by the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies. Visit the project’s website to learn more about its goals and the great amount of work already done towards the recording and preservation of Nepal’s heritage.

The Nepal Heritage Documentation Project (NHDP) is building comprehensive digital records of Nepal's endangered historical cultural monuments. These include temples, monasteries, palaces, as well as smaller shrines, arcaded platforms, fountains, and other historic buildings. NHDP is the first project to comprehensively photograph, record, describe, and analyse these structures and make the records available in a freely accessible database. The project focuses on the Kathmandu Valley, western Nepal, and other sites culturally and historically associated with the Kathmandu Valley. It aims to document and inventory more than 2000 monuments, 2500 inscriptions, and 8000 objects, as well as the unique intangible cultural heritage associated with the monuments: rituals, festivals, and other social and religious events and practices.

Read more

The data resulting from the documentation is added to the Digital Archive of Nepalese Arts and Architecture (DANAM) and Heidelberg University Library's image database, HeidICON, and on HeiDATA. The datasets contain structured information (in English and Nepali) about the monuments, i.e., information about their location, history, architectural structure, and religious and social activities. They also include historical and recent photographs, maps, plans and drawings, and transcriptions of inscriptions. The team in Germany and Nepal consists of about 20 experts from the fields of history, architecture, ethnology, Indology and heritage management. IT specialists ensure high-quality data management.

DANAM is based on Arches (v.4), an open-source software platform for cultural heritage inventory and management developed jointly by the Getty Conservation Institute and the World Monuments Fund. All content is available to the public free of charge.

• Project website:, heidICON
• Funded by: Arcadia Fund, UK
• Duration of Project: 2018-2026 (Pilotphase 2018-2020)
• Head Office: Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS) at Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)
• Partners: Saraf Foundation for Himalayan Traditions and Culture, Kathmandu; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (HAdW); I3 Mainz; UB Heidelberg; UNESCO Nepal; Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust (KVPT), Department of Archaeology (DoA), Nepal.
• Contact in Heidelberg: Prof. Dr. Christiane Brosius, Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels

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